Header: The Oliver Cromwell Association

Application for membership

Applications for membership can be made either by printing out and completing this form or on-line via PayPal using this link. For the benefits of membership and details of the subscription year visit the page About the Association.

For payments using this hard copy form please continue and complete the form in BLOCK CAPITALS

Name………………………………………………….…… Title......................................................................


………………………………………………………….........................…  Post Code…………..............……………

Name(s) of additional member(s) at the same address (newsletters and journal sent to fully paid up member only)



Please indicate membership required

…… Adult annual subscription (UK £20 / overseas £25)

…… Under 23 (UK £15 / overseas £20) date of birth ...../....../.....

........ Additional member(s) at the same address (£5)

I enclose cheque for £….....… payable to ‘The Cromwell Association’

All payments must be in £ Sterling. Overseas members can pay online using the link above in other currencies.


Members who are UK taxpayers can help the Association by going to the GIFT AID page and completing the declaration enabling the Association to recover 25p for every pound paid.

Please return this form together with your payment and Gift Aid declaration to: The Cromwell Association, c/o 25 Fox’s Way, Comberton, Cambridge, CB23 7DL



This site is provided by The Cromwell Association. All material on this site is the copyright of
the individual author, and, or, the Association, or third parties from whom the Association has obtained permission.
Material on this site may not be published elsewhere without permission.
Please make all proposals and requests for reciprocal links to
[email protected]
The Cromwell Association is a registered charity, reg. no. 1132954