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Cromwell online exhibition


Of all the statues Warrington's is the only one which was given to mark the 300th anniversary of Cromwell's birth and which was completed in the same year.
The statue was the gift of a prominent civic figure and non-conformist, Frederick Monks. He offered the statue to the Mayor of Warrington at the beginning of the tercentenary year, a gift which was accepted in July 1899.
There was bitter opposition to the statue from the local Irish community who protested that its presence would be an outrage to their feelings, but the Free Church supporters prevailed and the statue went ahead.

Picture of Cromwell's statue at Warrington

Warrington Statue 1998. Sculpted by John Bell. 
As well as the sword and the bible, the Protectoral seal is shown suspended from the papers beneath his hat to the right of the figure. The face again derives from a Cooper portrait. (Dawn Wadsworth).
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